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Jan 02, 2005
Dec 17, 2004
Como diria o Raulzito, “Acabei de dar um check up na situação o que me levou a reler Alice no País das Maravilhas”. Ou melhor, Alice in Wonderland, ricamente ilustrado. Não sei se o Raul viajava com coisas místicas sobre esse livro. A única coisa que sei é que o país das maravilhas é um universo surreal e ilógico, e por isso os comedores de ácido e outras drogas alucinógenas tratavam esse livro com muito carinho.
O carrasco do IE, mais conhecido como Liu Die Yu, da malware.com, quebrou mais uma vez um item de “segurança” do IE. Dessa vez foi a proteção de popup’s do SP2. Na mesma latada, a proteção da barra do MSN também parou de funcionar. A falha foi publicada há pouco na bugtraq, contendo um link para o teste: http://www.malware.com/flopup.html Êta povo porreta. O Liu Die Yu é um famoso pesquisador de segurança chinês que já descobriu dezenas(!
I am making a pair of postfix (and related) tools in perl that could be useful for some people, in some cases. One is a “SURBL” technique filter to be plugged into amavis, that will check for spamvertised URI’s against a “SURBL” server. It acts as an antivirus, checking for the content of the message. If it’s configuerd for denial, it could lead to false positives, if the SURBL list in used is not very precise.
I’ve subscribed a few weeks ago to the Wikipedia daily articles list. It’s a nice way to relax and have a good reading, while taking courage to read all those bugtraq or postfix-users messages.
David Martínez was kind enough to put up a repository of MySQL 4 and further dependencies compiled for FC2. http://dmnet.bitacoras.com/index.php?tb=2680 You may get the files directly from: http://yum.garsan.ws/fedora/2/RPMS/RPMS.dmnet/ These packages fixed a very ugly behaviour I was getting with my mixed mysql lib’s. Every time I ran a perl with a MySQL DBI, it ended with Segmentaion Fault. Now it’s fine. Thanks David!
Follow this: http://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-b9d1889ed4-aace3ad7cc-09d816d535 Everybody deserves a GMAIL account!
Sep 07, 2004
Weeee. Blogger couldn’t publish anything for several hours. 001 java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out It still can’t. To my usual thousands of daily readers, I can only apologize. Please stop commenting at every posts. I can’t read all your comments!
Sep 07, 2004
While testing for a better layout for the google ad you see in the left, I’ve got interested in one very evil service. They call it Expired Domains Traffic. They are most of the times a disservice for the internet users, but I’m linking to them for public interest. The idea is quite simple. They have a bot searching for the expiration of domains. When a domain expire, they buy it, and them make it redirect the traffic to their customers site.
Sep 07, 2004
I’ve start making a Dedicated Servers research, looking for good prices and interesting service. The first I knew about was ServerMatrix. They have a nice site, the company is big (a subsidiary of The Planet) and the service seems fine. They even publish a live cam picture of their data center. Quite impressive. The problem is their prices were raised lately. There was a no-setup promotional fee for one of the server options, and that is gone.
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